Dhruv Consultancy Limited

Challenges in Claims Management in the Indian Infrastructure Industry

Claims and disputes are a part of every infrastructure project, often delaying timelines, raising costs, and straining relationships. Whether claims arise from delays, scope changes, or added expenses, they can disrupt work and inflate costs. If not resolved quickly, disputes can escalate into long arbitration or legal processes, further slowing progress. Efficient claims management is key to keeping projects on track, avoiding costly overruns, and ensuring smooth completion.

Key Challenges in India’s Infrastructure Sector

India’s vast infrastructure sector frequently faces claims, but managing them effectively is tough due to several issues:

Ambiguous Contract Clauses

Many contracts have unclear or vague clauses, making it hard to settle disputes. For example, a highway project in Maharashtra suffered delays because the contract didn’t clearly state who was responsible for land acquisition, leading to prolonged legal battles.

Delays in Approvals and Payments

Public sector projects often experience approval delays, causing disruptions. In Bengaluru, a metro rail project stalled as design approvals took too long, leading to claims for time and cost extensions. Similarly, late payments to contractors often force them to file claims to recover expenses.

Poor Documentation

Claims require solid evidence, but poor record-keeping weakens their validity. In a bridge project in northern India, the contractor’s failure to document delays related to material shortages led to a rejected claim.

Complex Stakeholder Dynamics

Infrastructure projects involve multiple parties—contractors, consultants, government bodies—each with different priorities. In the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor, contractors focused on cost recovery, while the government tried to control the budget, delaying claim resolution.

Lengthy Dispute Resolution

Arbitration and litigation in India can take years. For example, arbitration over the Chennai Port project dragged on for years, delaying the project and increasing costs.

Budget Constraints

Many government projects run on fixed budgets, with no room for unexpected claims. The Eastern Peripheral Expressway faced delays in settling claims as budget limits delayed payments to contractors.

Why Dhruv Consultancy Stands Out

At Dhruv Consultancy, claims and disputes receive the utmost priority. Our technical team, well-versed in contract clauses and their implications, ensures we manage claims effectively. Continuous learning through industry seminars keeps our team updated with the latest practices, allowing us to minimize disruptions and protect stakeholder interests. Our specialized services in claims management offer comprehensive support to clients, ensuring prompt dispute resolution.


Efficient claims management is critical for the timely and successful completion of infrastructure projects in India. By addressing contract clarity, speeding up approvals, improving documentation, and streamlining dispute resolution, stakeholders can minimize delays and ensure projects finish within budget, ensuring better outcomes for India’s growing infrastructure needs.

If you need claims management services or expert advice on dispute resolution, contact us at Dhruv Consultancy. We’re here to ensure your infrastructure projects succeed.

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